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Preview — The Lords of Creation by Frederick Lewis Allen
The story of the immense financial and corporate expansion which occurred in the United States between the depression of the 1890's and the crisis of the 1930's, with an analysis of the leaders and the forces that brought boom and bust.
Published June 10th 2014 by Open Road Media (first published 1935)
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Jun 19, 2014
Peter rated it
it was amazing · review of another edition
Shelves: biz-economics-law, essays-reports-social-sci, favorites, history-american
A good primer on the once and future soul of America. Lobbyists, lawyers and tailors will be back in vogue like flies on meat, like traders on a new hedging strategy. Instead of steel, railroads and oil, its big box stores, on-line retailing, data harvesting and storage, but the thrust will be the same. Back to the future, anyone?

Dec 26, 2013Lewis Alexander rated it it was amazing · review of another edition
This is a tremendous book. The topic is the financial origins of the Great Depression. Allen is a journalist and he write excellent narrative history. But he is also quite analytic. Published in 1935 it also gives an account of the Great Depression as it seemed at the time. So much of what we read about that era is shaped by Keynes. This gives a first hand impression. But its greatest strength is that it is even-handed. The subject of this book is a deep financial crisis that had very broad impa...more
Jan 20, 2014Peter rated it it was amazing · review of another edition
Excellent treatment of the “makers” and “job creators” of yesteryear. Some of them really were job creators, and they were surrounded by, as you might expect, the usual coterie of sycophants and cozeners, who preyed on whomever they could like the “heroes” of Auschwitz (i.e., read Primo Levi). After the crashes, some of them did eventually go to jail, like the guys at SAC.
Fascinating insight into the lifestyles and the mentality and the sheer drive of some of the big players in the US around the turn of the century. It further strengthens my belief that capitalism is a system that can never be in harmony with the proletariat and should be abolished by either Revolution or Radical Reforms.
Frederick Lewis Allen was an excellent researcher of historic and financial facts, with that being said this would have been a better read if it was three separate books. Too much reflection and comparison of the financial and social happenings between 1908, 1929 and the good years in between.
Jan 28, 2019Aindriú Mac Giolla Eoin rated it it was amazing
The lead up to the financial crisis in the 1930's. The book was written in the '50's but still awesome today.
I read enough of it. You can only read so much of depressing information but it is good to know for better or worse.
Jan 23, 2017Shane rated it really liked it
The detailed story of the late 19th and early 20th century lords of industry in the United States. Mr. Allen describes a nuances history of early American industrialization and the first and second generation 'Masters of the Universe' on Wall Street. While the author expresses sympathy for the working man and the victims of economic machinations, he also portrays the industrialists and financiers as complex men who cannot be easily labeled as good or evil. These men of Wall Street often abused t...more
Aug 06, 2014Al Sevcik rated it it was amazing · review of another edition
An easy-to-read, yet comprehensive, overview of the vast expansion of corporations and finance in the US between the 1890’s and the 1930’s. There are fascinating vignettes of selected “captains of industry and finance”, many of whom were born into poverty but had the skill and the drive to learn the financial tricks and became billionaires. Financial malpractice was egregious and rampant and lead directly and repeatedly to economic crises. Lessons learned, if any, were soon forgotten or ignored....more
Extremely well-written book from 1935 that describes the boom and crash of 1929. More even-handed than I would have liked as the author gives the major bankers more a break than I would but does give many examples of the pyramid schemes, commercial banks also having an investment bank and what results. Mentions Cambridgeport in a quote and also George F. Johnson and ? Endicott as being more supportive of their workers which was not usually the case.
His prediction is not overly optimistic.
Dec 01, 2014Leo Tran rated it it was ok · review of another edition
Pick this book out of curiosity ... Way too long than needed !
Raymond Moore rated it really liked it
Jul 23, 2018
Bernd Neugebauer rated it it was amazing
Sep 05, 2017
Lewis Alexander rated it it was amazing
Dec 26, 2013
Mhmdzain Alhazmi rated it it was amazing
Jul 24, 2014
Stuart Miller rated it really liked it
Dec 12, 2016
David A (Doc/Santa) McKelvie rated it really liked it
Dec 21, 2015
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Frederick Lewis Allen (1890-1954) was born in Boston, studied at Groton, and graduated from Harvard in 1912. He was assistant and associate editor of Harper's Magazine for eighteen years, then the magazine's sixth editor in chief for twelve years until his death. In addition to The Lords of Creation, Allen was well known for Only Yesterday, Since Yesterday, and The Big Change.
“Though there was much sheer rascality in the Wall Street of the nineteen-twenties, much sheer greed roaming at large, and a widespread betrayal of the fiduciary principle, it may be that none of these things did as much damage to the country, in the sum total, as the sheer irresponsibility of men who, possessing vast powers, played the game of profit and loss without regard for the general public interest.” — 3 likes
“The center of gravity of American industrial control was moving, and the direction of its motion was immensely significant. It was moving toward Wall Street. The reins which guided the great industries of the country were gradually being taken into the hands of bankers and financiers who could finance these immense holding-company operations and distribute stock by the millions of shares.” — 0 likes
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