Home > The Phantom and Mandrake the Magician BLB, Comics, TV PilotLee Falk, born Leon Harrison Gross (1911 - 1999), was an American writer, theater director and producer, best known as the creator of the popular comic strips The Phantom and Mandrake the Magician. At the height of their popularity, these strips attracted over 100 million readers every day. Falk also wrote short stories, and he contributed to a series of pulp novels about The Phantom. A playwright and theatrical director/producer, Falk directed actors such as Marlon Brando, Charlton Heston, Paul Newman, Chico Marx and Ethel Waters. During his lifetime, Falk ran five theaters, at one time or another, and he produced about 300 plays, and also directed about 100 of them. Falk wrote 12 plays, including two musicals: Happy Dollar and Mandrake the Magician, which were both based on his comic strip character. Falk had had a fascination for stage magicians ever since he was a boy. Falk, according to his own recollections, sketched the first few Mandrake the Magician comic strips himself. When asked why the magician looked so much like himself, he replied, 'Well, of course he did. I was alone in a room with a mirror when I drew him!'. The Phantom was inspired by Falk’s fascination for myths and legends, such as the ones about El Cid, King Arthur, Nordic and Greek folklore heroes and popular fictional characters like 'Tarzan' and 'Mowgli' from Rudyard Kipling's The Jungle Book. He was fascinated by thugs of India and hence based his first comic on phantom as 'Singh Brotherhood'. Falk revealed in an interview that Robin Hood, who was often depicted as wearing tights, inspired the skin-tight costume of 'The Phantom', which is known to have influenced the entire superhero-industry. In the A&E Network's Phantom biography program, Falk explained that Ancient Greek stone busts inspired the notion of pupils of the eyes of 'The Phantom' not showing whenever he wore his mask. The old Greek busts had no eye pupils, which Falk felt gave them an inhuman, interesting look. It is also probable that the look of 'The Phantom' inspired the look of what has today become known as the 'superhero'. Falk originally thought that his comic strips would last a few weeks at best. However, he wrote them for more than six decades, until the last days of his life. Mandrake is a magician whose work is based on an unusually fast hypnotic technique. As noted in captions, when Mandrake 'gestures hypnotically', his subjects see illusions, and Mandrake has used this technique against a variety of villains including gangsters, mad scientists, extraterrestrials, and characters from other dimensions. Mandrake also possesses psychic and telekinetic powers, can turn invisible, shape shift, and teleport periodically. His Hat, Cloak and Wand passed down from his father Theron possess great magical properties which in time Mandrake is figuring out how to use. Click Here for --->Rare and Unique Hard Cover Books and Paperback Books for Sale on Ebay To Access All the Phantom and Mandrake Stories, Comics, below, click here->The Phantom and Mandrake the Magician The Phantom and the Sky Pirates (1945) # 1468 Better Little Book (BLB) 346 pages Phantom Daily Newspaper Strip 002 Sky Band: 11-9-36 to 4-10-37 [The above BLB is based on this Daily Newspaper Strip. It starts on page 49] [See page 4 of the BLB and the first panel of page 49 of the Daily Newspaper Strip] Phantom Sunday Newspaper Strip 001 The League of Lost Men: 5-28-39 to 10-15-39 Phantom Sunday Newspaper Strip 012 The Golden Princess: 1-14-45 to 6-24-45 Phantom-Gold Key-01 Phantom-Gold Key-02 Phantom-Gold Key-03 Phantom-Gold Key-04 Phantom-Gold Key-05 Phantom-Harvey 01 Phantom-Harvey 06 Phantom-Harvey 12 Phantom-Harvey 44 Phantom-Harvey 48 The Phantom 1961 Unaired TV Pilot Episode Part 1 of 2 The Phantom 1961 Unaired TV Pilot Episode Part 2 of 2 Mandrake and The Weird Bank Robberies Mandrake the Magician TV Pilot (Click on Link above) Click Here for-->Mandrake the Magician Movie Serial To go back to the Home Page of 'Free Download of Big Little Books', Click Here--->Free Download of Big Little Books |

Mandrake The Magician Episodes
The Chozhas were very great maritime warriors and led by Raja Raja Chozhan and his son Rajendra Chozhan conquered quite a bit of South and South East Asia. They built the big temple at Thanjavur, which is as big an engineering mystery as the Pyramids. Unfortunately, due to the wonderful education system, people in India do not know these two kings and their reign.
So here are two Mandrake stories that Emile shared with me earlier, but I found time to post just now. Enjoy the strips from Emile.
Only Indrajal Comics posts by Members are shared at this blog, please visit to read other posts. Download the story from Emile's. Introduction to Mandrake the Magician characters in the Comic Strips. If you happen to come across or have Mandrake comic. Mandrake the magican Download mandrake the magican or read online here in PDF or EPUB. Please click button to get mandrake the magican book now. All books are in clear copy here, and all files are secure so don't worry about it. This site is like a library, you could find million book here by using search box in the widget. Mandrake The Magician. Mandrake the magician Download mandrake the magician or read online here in PDF or EPUB. Please click button to get mandrake the magician book now. All books are in clear copy here, and all files are secure so don't worry about it.
Mandrake The Magician Comics Pdf Download Full
Characters such as Flash Gordon, Mandrake the Magician, Bahadur, Kerry Drake, Rip Kirby. Indrajal Comics #444 was labeled as Vol.20 and No.1. The front cover design changed with distinct. Download PDF Journalist Esdebout Download PDF Journalist Esdebout. Genre: Comics & Graphic Novels. This volume collects together the first four years worth of Fred Fredericks’ Mandrake the Magician Sunday newspaper strips, from ‘The Traveler’s Tale’ (03/21/65) to ‘The Galactic Rumble (09/07/69), including over 250 strips.