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- Pokemon Platinum Red Rom Hack Download
- Pokemon Platinum Rom Hack Download
- Pokemon Platinum Rom Download Mediafire
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Play Pokemon Platinum online with Game Boy Advance browser emulation for free! Pokemon Platinum is a rom hack of Pokemon Ruby (GBA). Play it with our flash, java and rgr plugin emulators. Nothing to configure, we've done it for you!
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Download Pokemon Platinum Red, GBA Rom Hack, Alpha 1.3 for free, patched and ready to play. Platinum Red is a full demake of Pokemon Platinum Version on the GBA. Pokemon Diamond ROM is one of the best Pokemon game which is available at Pokemonlog.com Website.Pokemon Diamond Download rom have new cast and crew and developed by the Games Freak and published by The Pokemon Company.Several new fixes are present in the game this time. Download 3541 - Pokemon Platinum Version (US) ROM for Nintendo DS(NDS) and Play 3541 - Pokemon Platinum Version (US) Video Game on your PC, Mac, Android or iOS device! Download Pokemon Diamond V2 (Hack) for Gameboy Color(GBC) and play Pokemon Diamond V2 (Hack) ROM Game on Your Computer or Phone!
Filesize: 5,367kb
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08-27-13 04:28 PM
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Character Profile: shiny
shinny duskull
08-27-13 04:28 PM
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Character Profile: shiny
shinny duskull
03-29-13 10:30 PM
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I'm so happy :D
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Character Profile:
I'm so happy :D
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Character Profile: lol
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Character Profile: lol
bronzor... not slakoth
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07-29-11 11:21 AM
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i think my psyduck has a cold
pokemon trainer
12-29-11 05:42 PM
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>>12-29-11 05:42 PM
4.8/5Edit Screenshot
why is gabite level 1?????
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09-25-13 02:25 PM
00:15:51 Views: 458
Pokemon Platinum episode 1
09-25-13 02:25 PM
00:15:51 Views: 458
Pokemon Platinum episode 1
01-08-14 12:47 PM
00:32:48 Views: 709
Vizzed.com Play
01-08-14 12:47 PM
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Vizzed.com Play
01-20-13 03:26 PM
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Vizzed.com Play
01-20-13 03:26 PM
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Vizzed.com Play
Um... Can I say nuetral?
I would not recommend this game, however, I would not dissuade someone from playing. I suppose it's a decent game, allowing you to capture and use all Pokemon up to Arceus, I believe, or 493.
The sad part of this is, I'm only in the forest after the third city/city with first gym. And I can't honestly say that I am overeager to again attempt this game, though I probably will (since I like to see games through). But I am completely and utterly bored and irritated.
The Graphics: Pretty nice, especially the Sinnoh Pokemon. Though I can't say this is perfect as there is a bit of a tile problem.
The Sound: It is, of course, nice, but you know why? Because it's the same soundtrack as the Ruby game it's made after (I think it's Ruby, anyway), and this is annoying.
Addictiveness: And here is the game's main problem, besides the difficulty. For one thing, I absolutely hate the wild Pokemon system and I think it's utter crap. Every freaking 2 steps, the battle theme starts up. It annoys me to no end, though it is a bit nice for grinding, but only for a little while; after a while the wild Pokemon are comparably so low in level to your Pokemon that it's practically impossible to grind. Also, you get bored really fast, such as in the aforementioned Gold Forest. This is due to... well, I'll let ya know in the Difficulty section.
Story: Okay, I'm sorry, but there IS no story, I'm being extremely generous with such a score. I think (as not having any interaction with them...yet) that Team... Steam, I think? will have some important role in which I kick their sorry butts, but that's it. It's about as (no offense) story-oriented as RS.
Depth: I don't have to have gotten through Gold Forest to know the 'depth' of this story: I spend a few days smoking some Gym Leaders (which give you the same TMs as in the original! D:<) and travel through, catch some Pokemon, then beat the E4. Then, though I doubt I'll do this, you can complete the Pokedex, which should be easier in this game due to the automatic National Pokedex. Also included is... all the bullcrap stuff you do in post-Ruby, I guess.
Difficulty: Wtf. W...t...fudoodles. What difficulty? You zoom through the game with Pokemon that are actually DECENT. Honestly, on the the first route there are, like, CROAGUNKS. What? Second route? Combees. What? And then, they give you possibly THE strongest starters in the game. And... forewarning... the rival is the easiest rival I've ever wiped the floor with, or will be for you, as long as you choose Piplup. Because when I chose Chimchar... SHE chose Chimchar.
Alright, guys, that wraps this crappy review. Hope you... enjoyed? And learned something about this game before you try it. But seriously, I give it a five, so you may want to give it a try. Your choice, guys. :)
Graphics 9 Sound 8 Addictive 6 Depth 7 Story 5 Difficulty 3
Best pokemon hack ever!pokepal100
The game Pokemon Platinum is one of the best games on this site but the only problem is the pokedex....
Graphics 10 Sound 10 Addictive 10 Story 10 Depth 10 Difficulty 8
Review Rating: 4.3/5 Submitted: 05-30-11 Review Replies: 4
Poor effortRazer69This is a poor example of a Pokémon hack. Please read before playing.I don't mean to sound ho...
Graphics 8 Sound 8 Addictive 2 Story 1 Depth 1 Difficulty 5
Review Rating: 4/5 Submitted: 10-21-15 Review Replies: 2
Um... Can I say nuetral?PKMNCB
I would not recommend this game, however, I would not dissuade someone from playing. I suppose it's ...
Graphics 9 Sound 8 Addictive 6 Story 5 Depth 7 Difficulty 3
Review Rating: 3.9/5 Submitted: 06-04-12 Review Replies: 4
Not bad, but could use improvementlongneck40Not bad, didn't get too far into though. Has a lot of grammar and spelling issues that need to be fi...
Graphics 8 Sound 8 Addictive 7 Depth 6 Difficulty 5
Pokemon Platinum Rom Download
Review Rating: 3.8/5 Submitted: 08-07-12 Updated: 08-07-12 Review Replies: 1
Eh, it was alright.Natas
I haven't played much of it and I already grew bored with it. I'm not a big fan of Pokemon, but I li...
Graphics 9 Sound 8 Addictive 3 Story 4 Depth 5 Difficulty 3
Review Rating: 3.2/5 Submitted: 05-26-11 Review Replies: 1
WTF PEOPLE WHO REVIEWED THISpeateargryphonOKAY...so I followed everyone's ratings for this game and decided to play...Don't be fooled by all t...
Graphics 7 Sound 7 Addictive 1 Story 5 Depth 3 Difficulty 5
Review Rating: 3/5 Submitted: 06-28-11 Review Replies: 6
Pokemon Platinum: How is it?threetothree
Well, I've finally decided to play this game. It has begun! The first thing I notice about the game ...
Graphics 8 Sound 8 Addictive 4 Story 4 Depth 6 Difficulty 6
Review Rating: 3/5 Submitted: 02-07-14 Review Replies: 2
Chimchar vs Chimchar... wait, what!?chrispoIntro So.... you arrive in your new town. Mom tells you to set your clock(nothing unusual).S...
Graphics 10 Sound 5 Addictive 5 Story 4 Depth 7 Difficulty 5
Review Rating: 3/5 Submitted: 06-02-14 Updated: 06-28-14 Review Replies: 2
This game is Boringpokefan6789
The reason this game is boring is that if you choose chimchar which I did then your rival that you m...
Graphics 8 Sound 6 Addictive 1 Depth 4 Difficulty 1
Review Rating: 2.7/5 Submitted: 06-15-12 Review Replies: 1
One Of The Greatest Pokemon Hacksmike345Pokemon Light Platinum is one of the greatest Pokemon Hacks that was created I hope people agree wit...
Graphics 8 Sound 9 Addictive 7 Depth 6 Difficulty 8
Review Rating: 2.5/5 Submitted: 08-24-11 Review Replies: 5
Pokemon Light Platinum Nds Rom Hack Download
Don't play thisCharizard203
First let's go to the Good things I like about the game. It's got all new graphicsSinnoh Pokemon ar...
Graphics 2 Sound 5 Addictive 1 Story 2 Depth 8 Difficulty 3
Review Rating: 2.4/5 Submitted: 07-05-11 Review Replies: 2
This game is Boringpokefan6789The reason this game is boring is that if you choose chimchar which I did then your rival that you m...
Graphics 8 Sound 6 Addictive 1 Depth 4 Difficulty 1
Review Rating: 1.4/5 Submitted: 06-15-12 Review Replies: 1
This game was very good, and I love it. I loved how as soon as you started there was adventure, and ...
Graphics 8 Sound 9 Addictive 6 Story 9 Depth 10 Difficulty 7
Review Rating: 1/5 Submitted: 11-07-13 Review Replies: 5
ikoniara123 02-13-16 - 07:03 PM
Where is the download option? I cant find it HELP
Game08 12-31-15 - 01:17 PM
Bad GBA Port:(
Dhorjang123 11-24-15 - 10:51 PM
in a place called queste noci
benster90 09-06-15 - 05:10 PM
where do you get surf
Icestone 05-22-15 - 12:40 AM
this is not platinum, played maybe 5 mins of this game and TON of glitches. At start ur in wrong house due to 2x ur own house, one suppose to be ur counter part or rival if u will,had to go to the other house rival has same pokemon as u :/
galvar26 01-22-15 - 05:39 AM
how to get gible?
asura-98 12-31-14 - 10:50 AM
Dose Yanma learn Ancient Power to evolve in this? Mines on LVL 40 and hasn't really learned anything.
kangata12 11-11-14 - 02:16 PM
where is hmo8 waterfall?
DadooStyle 11-01-14 - 03:04 AM
Hey Help me Please Please
bubba2005 09-13-14 - 12:30 PM
IS THIS not a hack
gamr129 08-05-14 - 08:35 PM
um who ever wrote this has some really bad grammar
gamr129 08-05-14 - 08:21 PM
why is this game called platinum? theres already a pokemon game called that and its really good.
grando123 07-08-14 - 05:25 PM
what do I do after the fourth gym
sbug 06-20-14 - 08:49 AM
where is the 2nd gym?
creepysaurusgame 06-06-14 - 05:48 PM
HOW the FARDGE am i supposed to get passed the gut with the DANG FOOTPRINTS!?
pokemonlover1989 05-03-14 - 10:00 PM
how do i get pokeballs
kangata12 03-31-14 - 08:23 PM
please im stuck
lilgemini 03-20-14 - 09:06 PM
where is hm strength
clefford00 03-19-14 - 01:23 AM
kangata12 03-16-14 - 09:45 PM
Dude im stuck at groment city tall brown thing please help me get out of there i worked hard on deafeting the 4th gym leader please help!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
port753 02-25-14 - 10:55 PM
lolface51 02-23-14 - 07:38 AM
is this a hacked version
Valor_Zero 02-14-14 - 09:08 AM
There's no trading or battling is there?
threetothree 02-07-14 - 09:47 PM
Worst ever Pokemon game I've played.
SacredShadow 01-22-14 - 03:14 PM
wonder why is this game rated so low?
Where is the download option? I cant find it HELP
Game08 12-31-15 - 01:17 PM
Bad GBA Port:(
Dhorjang123 11-24-15 - 10:51 PM
in a place called queste noci
benster90 09-06-15 - 05:10 PM
where do you get surf
Icestone 05-22-15 - 12:40 AM
this is not platinum, played maybe 5 mins of this game and TON of glitches. At start ur in wrong house due to 2x ur own house, one suppose to be ur counter part or rival if u will,had to go to the other house rival has same pokemon as u :/
galvar26 01-22-15 - 05:39 AM
how to get gible?
asura-98 12-31-14 - 10:50 AM
Dose Yanma learn Ancient Power to evolve in this? Mines on LVL 40 and hasn't really learned anything.
kangata12 11-11-14 - 02:16 PM
where is hmo8 waterfall?
DadooStyle 11-01-14 - 03:04 AM
Hey Help me Please Please
bubba2005 09-13-14 - 12:30 PM
IS THIS not a hack
gamr129 08-05-14 - 08:35 PM
um who ever wrote this has some really bad grammar
gamr129 08-05-14 - 08:21 PM
why is this game called platinum? theres already a pokemon game called that and its really good.
grando123 07-08-14 - 05:25 PM
what do I do after the fourth gym
sbug 06-20-14 - 08:49 AM
where is the 2nd gym?
creepysaurusgame 06-06-14 - 05:48 PM
HOW the FARDGE am i supposed to get passed the gut with the DANG FOOTPRINTS!?
pokemonlover1989 05-03-14 - 10:00 PM
how do i get pokeballs
kangata12 03-31-14 - 08:23 PM
please im stuck
lilgemini 03-20-14 - 09:06 PM
where is hm strength
clefford00 03-19-14 - 01:23 AM
kangata12 03-16-14 - 09:45 PM
Dude im stuck at groment city tall brown thing please help me get out of there i worked hard on deafeting the 4th gym leader please help!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
port753 02-25-14 - 10:55 PM
lolface51 02-23-14 - 07:38 AM
is this a hacked version
Valor_Zero 02-14-14 - 09:08 AM
There's no trading or battling is there?
threetothree 02-07-14 - 09:47 PM
Worst ever Pokemon game I've played.
SacredShadow 01-22-14 - 03:14 PM
wonder why is this game rated so low?
Free Downloa Game Pokemon Origin Platinum NDS ROM
Name : Pokemon Origin Platinum
Platform : Nitendo-DS
Hack of : Pokemon Platinum
Size : 40 MB
Ability to catch all 493 Pokemon without the use of any outside source, while still being able to trade and battle with friends. Every non-legendary Pokemon can be caught before the elite four, and most added legendary Pokemon are located in post-game areas.
Regigigas no longer requires having the Regis pokemon to catch, but has been changed to a fateful encounter so that it may allow the player to catch the other Regis Pokemon.
Giratina now has Griseous orb held when you catch him. I know many people do not like the way he looks without it. I am one of those people.
Items such as Metal Coat, which originally were given as a held item to allow a Pokemon to evolve by trading can now be used to evolve Pokemon in the same manner as the evolution stones.
Pokemon that evolve by simply trading them now evolve at certain levels. Check the documents provided with the patch for more details.
Wurmple now evolves into Silcoon/Cascoon based on its gender.
Spiritomb no longer requires going underground and meeting 32 people to catch. Simply use the Odd Keystone where you normally would.
Once a player has caught 492 pokemon, he/she will be given the Azure Flute by one of the residents of Sandgem Town. This item is required to catch Arceus. Catching Arceus is pretty much the goal of the game.
Players wishing to make competitive teams using any fossil pokemon, spiritomb, or Pokemon that evolve via evolutionary items will now find that all fossils, odd keystone, and all evolution items are now sold in Veilstone Department Store.
Event items such as Secret Key, Membership Pass, Oak's Letter, and Azure Flute are now given to you at certain parts of the game.
Pokemon Platinum Rom Torrent
The Super Rod is now given to you by Jasmine right after you beat the 8th gym. There are some pokemon that can only be, or are a lot more common when using the super rod. Check the Pokemon Locations document for more information.
Pokemon that originally evolved by trading without holding an item:
Alakazam – Kadabra evolves into Alakazam at level 34.
Machamp – Machoke evolves into Machamp at level 42.
Golem – Graveler evolves into Golem at level 36.
Gengar – Haunter evolves into Gengar at level 38.
Pokemon that originally evolved by trading while holding an item:
Politoed – Use King’s Rock on Poliwhirl.
Slowking – Use King’s Rock on Slowpoke.
Steelix – Use Metal Coat on Onix.
Scizor – Use Metal Coat on Scyther.
Kingdra – Use Dragon Scale on Seadra.
Porygon2 – Use Up-Grade on Porygon.
Huntail – Use DeepSeaTooth on Clamperl.
Gorebyss – Use DeepSeaScale on Clamperl.
Rhyperior – Use Protector on Rhydon.
Electivire – Use Electirizer on Electabuzz.
Magmortar – Use Magmarizer on Magmar.
Porygon-Z – Use Dubious Disc on Porygon2.
Dusknoir – Use Reaper Cloth on Dusclops.
Misc evolutions:
Silcoon – Wurmple now evolves into Silcoon when level 7 as a female.
Cascoon – Wurmple now evolves into Cascoon when level 7 as a male.
Only 3 cashiers have been changed to incorporate fossils and evolution items. Since you can buy generic items such as pokeballs and potions at any pokemart, the cashier that sells these items has been replaced with a selection of evolution items, and was not put into the department store anywhere else.
1st floor
Left Cashier:
Water Stone, Thunderstone, Sun stone, shiny stone, oval stone, moon stone, leaf stone, fire stone, dusk stone, dawn stone, upgrade, dubious disc
Right Cashier:
Deapseascale, Deepseatooth, Dragon Scale, Electrizer, King’s Rock, Magmarizer, Metal Coat, Protector, Razor Claw, Razor Fang, Reaper cloth
2nd floor
Top Cashier:
All 7 fossils and odd keystone
Here is the list of changes made to existing legendaries and locations of added legendaries. Legendary pokemon not listed have not been changed.
Rotom: Obtained the same way as previous. Obtain secret key from the old man in the Sandgem Town Pokemon Center.
Regigigas: Change to lvl 70. Changed to fateful encounter so that it can unlock the other Regis pokemon. No longer requires the regis pokemon to fight.
Darkrai: After receiving lunar wing, use it to wake the boy up. His parents will give you membership pass to get to darkrai.
Shaymin: When you receive the national dex, you will also receive Oak’s letter. Bring it to route 224.
Arceus: After catching 492 pokemon, the man in the south-western house in sandgem town will give you his family heirloom: the Azure Flute. Take this to Mt. Coronet. Arceus is now level 100 instead of 80.
Mewtwo(60): Stark Mountain Interior – 1% chance of finding
Mew(30): Inside Turnback Cave – 1% chance of finding
Entei(50): Stark Mountain exterior – 1% chance of finding
Suicune(50): Route 225 – Surf 1% chance of finding
Raikou(50): Route 228 – 1% chance of finding
Celebii(40): Route 224 – 1% chance
Lugia(55): Route 230 – Surf 1% chance of finding
Ho-oh(55): Stark Mountain Exterior – 1% chance of finding
Latias(50): Route 230 Island – 1% chance of encounter
Latios(50): Route 226 – 1% chance of encounter
Kyogre(60): Route 226 – Surf 1% chance of finding
Groudon(60): Stark Mountain Interior – 1% chance of finding
Rayquaza(70): Top of Mt. Coronet – 1% chance of finding
Jirachi(40): Route 224 – 1% chance of finding
Deoxys(60): Stark Mountain Entrance – 1% chance of finding
Manaphy(40): Route 226 – Surf 2% chance of finding
Phione(40): Route 230 – Surf 2% chance of finding
Pokemon Platinum Red Rom Hack Download

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